
Sarona Design Rear Skirt

Sarona Design add-on rear skirt for the 2010-2012 Genesis Coupe brings an exclusive feel and unique styling. Made of extremely durable high-impact fiberglass. Simple bolt-up install with no modification necessary. If you are interested in a full bodykit--or at least discounted pricing to avoid shipping costs on multiple parts delivered together, please contact us for information and availability. As long as we have a particular item in stock (or can at least get it quickly), then the best way to bring down your overall cost is to package other bodykit parts, spoilers, etc inside these large bumper cartons.

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1 x ING B-type Wheel Caps
1 x StopTech SportSlot Rotor Set
1 x Spec Stage 3 Clutch (1.8L/2.0L)
2 x Boostec Carbon Fiber Duckbill Spoiler
3 x LED-Studio Rear Reflector Modules
1 x Vivid GT Wheel Caps
5 x Custom Quote 3
2 x Luxon Rear Frame Brace
2 x StopTech Rear Big Brake Kit
2 x Miro Type-398 Wheels
3 x NEFD Rear Diffuser
6 x Jun B.L Headers (2.0L)
5 x Borla 3.8L Catback Exhaust
5 x Maintec o2 Housing
1 x NGM 2.0L Mid-Pipe
3 x Vivid GT-Wing Wheel Caps
2 x KDM GDi Lettering (Custom)
2 x Carbon Fiber v2 Hood Vents
1 x Eibach RD Pro-Kit
10 x Carbon Fiber Side Vents
1 x Injen 2.7L Cold Air Intake (03-08)
3 x Hawk HPS Brake Pads (Front)
2 x Carbon Fiber Rear Reflectors
3 x LCD Multi-Display Bezel Kit
3 x D-Auto Pedal Set (Elantra AD)
99 x RalcoRZ STS 5-Speed Shifter
8 x Mishimoto Carbon Fiber Radiator Cap
1 x OEM TPMS Sensor
6 x ZB Industry Floor Mat Set
1 x RalcoRZ STS 6-Speed Shifter
1 x Seibon C-Style Deck Spoiler
9 x Carbon Fiber Fuse Box Covers
3 x Carbon Fiber Fuse Box Covers
4 x HKS Radiator Cap
3 x M&S Carart Steering Wheel Circle Badge
3 x Carbon Fiber GDI Engine Cover
2 x TrakLite Angle Wheels (Gold)
2 x Gemini-AR Carbon Fiber Front Lip
2 x HKS SuperFire Spark Plugs (3.3L)
1 x K&N Short Ram Intake (2011-2013, 1.8L)
24 x Carbon Fiber Engine Cover (3.3L)
1 x Clutchmasters FX250 Street Clutch
1 x Convex Side Mirrors
4 x HKS SuperFire Spark Plugs (2.0L)
1 x D2 Racing Coilover System (LF)
1 x ISR o2 Housing
1 x K&N Typhoon Short Ram Intake (2.0L)
99 x Ludi Type-A Deck Spoiler
99 x Borla Exhaust (07-08, 2.7L)
2 x Injen Cold Air Intake (2.0L)
3 x Genesis Steering Wheel Badge
1 x StopTech Stainless Brake Lines (Front)
8 x Competition Clutch Kit - Stage 3.5 (2.0T)
2 x Carbon Fiber Valve Caps
1 x Deco-X Bumper Protector
1 x DBA XP Performance Brake Pads (Front & Rear)
1 x Megan Racing Carbon Fiber Hatch Spoiler
2 x EBC GreenStuff Brake Pads (Front)
3 x K&N Drop-In Filter (2.0L)
4 x H&R DRM 20mm Wheel Spacer Set
1 x ImportShark v2 Window Banner
1 x CX Racing 2.0L Top-Mount Turbo Manifold
1 x AEM Drop-In Filters (3.3L)
1 x Sequence Carbon Fiber Widebody Kit
1 x KDM Wing Emblem (Front)
12 x SPEC Stage 2+ (1.6L)
1 x Carbon Fiber F/L Air Duct
50 x Jun B.L Exhaust System (Kia Rio)
1 x Brenthon Emblem Set
16 x ClutchMasters FX100 Clutch/Fly Combo (2.7L)
99 x HPS SRI 2.0T (27-201WB)
5 x Extreme Dimensions RS-1 Sideliners
1 x HPS Radiator Hose Kit - Red (2.0T)
1 x AirTouch Auto Trans-Cooler
1 x BBM Carbon Fiber Lip Spoiler
10 x HKS SSQV4 Blow-Off Valve Kit
21 x Jun B.L 2.0L GT Catback Exhaust
24 x Enkei PF01 Wheels (Black)
16 x R1 Concepts Rotors (Slotted)
23 x Wagner Tuning Charge Pipe Kit (3.3L)
19 x Jun B.L 2.0L Turbo Downpipe
14 x Brenthon Emblem Set
24 x KDM GDi Lettering
13 x CX Racing 2.0L Turbo Manifold
23 x GFB Hybrid TMS Dual BOV Kit
26 x .Gunmetal Wing Emblem
25 x Wing Emblem Replacement Backing
40 x EBC GreenStuff Brake Pads (Front & Rear)
18 x SPEC Stage 3+ (1.6L)
17 x ARK Performance Sway Bar Set
4 x Fel-Pro Valve Cover Gasket Set (3.8L)
10 x Ixion YF Lip Kit (Dual Outlet)
22 x .NGM 3.8L Headers
6 x Carbon Fiber Headlight Eyelines
17 x ArtX YF Carbon Fiber Grill w/ Hood Garnish
10 x HPS SRI 2.0T (27-201P)
15 x Carbon Fiber Console Surround
21 x K&N Typhoon Sonata/Optima 2.0L
1 x Tomato A&P Rear Diffuser
17 x Whiteline Rear Sway Bar Links
17 x 3D Steering Wheel Badge
1 x Jun B.L 3.3L Race Catback Exhaust
1 x D-Auto Sport Plates (K7)
5 x GT v1 Lettering
6 x Clutchmasters FX350 Clutch/Flywheel Combo (2.0T)
1 x SC-2 Rear Bumper
1 x .Copper Wing Emblem
1 x Custom Rear Reflector Vents
1 x Brenthon Emblem Set
1 x Crower BC625+ Connecting Rods (3.8L)
8 x Riaction Sport Coilovers (True Rear)
1 x ARK Performance GT-F Springs
26 x AEM Short Ram Intake (3.3L)
33 x Shift Knob - Super Mario
28 x ARK 3.8L R-Spec Headers
1 x AEM Cold Air Intake (3.8L)
35 x R1 Concepts Optimum Brake Pads (Front & Rear)
31 x M&S Carart Oval Black Emblem
2 x BBM Carbon Fiber Roof Fin Spoiler
Manufacturer Info
Sarona Design
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